Legato, M. et al. (2020): Roundtable Discussion on COVID-19. Through a Sex and Gender Lens, Gender and the Genome, Vol. 4: 1-13.

Editor’s Note
Just as we were sending off this transcript for publication, we received the following message from Dr Margarethe Hochleitner, who established the Women’s Health Center at Innsbruck Medical University in Austria, concerning her experience during the COVID pandemic. She says in part:

“ . . . for research it was a good time because everybody had time to do research work but in the end this was only true for men, because in Austria we fell back to the 1960’s; women did all the housekeeping, all the childcare, all the homeschooling and men had time to do scientific work. For me the most astonishing and really dramatic thing was women accepted this role silently: corona was a massive backlash in women’s emancipation and of course with the same effects for all diversity-groups; they were not even mentioned in all these weeks. So, we have a lot to do in gender and diversity, but we will do it-hopefully.”

We share the same experiences all over the world! (MJL)”
Legato et al. (2020): p 12.

Legato, M. et al. (2020): Roundtable Discussion on COVID-19. Through a Sex and Gender Lens, Gender and the Genome, Vol. 4: 1-13.