
Joint Organization Gender Medicine & Diversity Women’s Health Center

Member Clinics

Department Operative Medicine
University Clinic for Visceral, Transplantation und Thorax Surgery
University Clinic for Heart Surgery
University Clinic for Vascular Surgery
University Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
University Clinic for Orthopedics and Traumatology
University Clinic for Urology
University Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Department of Internal Medicine
University Clinic for Internal Medicine I
University Clinic for Internal Medicine II
University Clinic for Internal Medicine III
University Clinic for Internal Medicine IV
University Clinic for Internal Medicine V
Joint Organization for Internal Medicine Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine

Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
University Clinic for Psychiatry I
University Clinic for Psychiatry II

Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
University Clinic for Neurology
University Clinic for Neurosurgery

Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
University Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics
University Clinic for Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine and Hearing, Voice and Speech Disorders
University Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine
University Clinic for Hearing, Voice and Speech Disorders

Department of Radiology
University Clinic for Radiology
University Clinic for Neuroradiology

Department of Dentistry, Oral Medicine and Orthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University Clinic for Dental Prostheses and Conservative Dental Medicine
University Clinic for Orthodontics
University Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
University Clinic for Pediatrics I
University Clinic for Pediatrics II
University Clinic for Pediatrics III

University Clinic for Nuclear Medicine

University Clinic for Radiation Therapy – Radiooncology

University Clinic for Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology

University Clinic for Ophthalmology and Optometry


Women’s Health Out-Patient Clinic

University Clinic for Internal Medicine I
Haus 2, First Floor
Hours: (ONLY by prior appointment):
Tu/We: 13.00 – 16.00 h
Th/Fr: 08.00 – 12.00 h

Mo-Fr: 08.00 – 16.00 h
Tel.: +43 512 504-81827 Bader
Tel.: +43 512 504-80298 Schwitzer

Women’s Ward

University Clinic for Internal Medicine I
MZA – Medizinzentrum Anichstrasse
4th Floor, East, Ward 4B
Telephone: +43 512 504-27566
Fax: +43 512 504-27521


Women’s Health


Women’s Health has been a media topic for some years now. Here, we will try to offer a definition of Women’s Health (see below). As you can see, the definitions are relatively new. For example, it was only in 1976 that this definition was established by the WHO, whereby the definition attempts to focus equally on physical, mental and social well-being. This can certainly be seen as a paradigm shift, because health used to be defined merely as the absence of illness.

The Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion 1986 also took a new approach, in that it stated: “Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health.”

A similar goal is espoused by the project “Healthy Cities” 1986, where for the first time a community approach was taken.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

World Health Organization 1946, 1976

Women have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
World Women’s Conference Bejing 1995

What is Women’s Health?

Everything that concerns ONLY women,
MAINLY concerns women,
concerns women DIFFERENTLY.

Gynecology and Obstetrics, girls, women as caregivers, violence against women
poverty, care dependency, caring for family members, depression, weight, autoimmune diseases,
age: musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, vision disorders, hardness of hearing, incontinence, Alzheimer’s, dementia
Effects of medication (depending on estrogen level), heart disorders, cancer, sexually transmitted diseases (HIV), occupational medicine

Gynecology and Obstetrics

A field that is uncontestably female. In the United States in the last century there were attempts to even set up purely “women’s hospitals”, including female staff and even female physicians who would deal with “women’s illnesses” and obstetrics as well as pediatrics. There always were and still are private institutions funded by donations.


Since there are special health problems that concern young women in puberty, especially in a broader sense of the word “health,” it is uncontested that, in addition to topics purely concerning sexual development, the subject of prevention needs to be communicated in these age groups. All the experts state that, for example, education on nicotine, alcohol and narcotics needs to commence already during compulsory school years with the aim of stopping these addictions before they ever start. Almost all young women are primarily plagued by weight problems, by which we don’t mean the definitely bad but still very rare cases of anorexia and bulimia, but instead the fact that practically no young woman can grow up without constantly worrying about her weight.

Women as caregivers

Almost all women sooner or later encounter the problem of having to care for family members or neighbors who need care. This is a demand made of women in general. Women who refuse live with a guilty conscience and are sometimes even condemned by society. On the other hand, caregiving causes a huge physical and emotional burden as well as the danger that by being a caregiver and thus not holding a job the caregiver could incur financial and social problems, at least in her old age.

Violence against women

Their whole life long, many women are exposed to physical and emotional violence. This is also true of our country, whereby it must be remembered that the situation for women is considerably worse in many parts of the world (see reports by Amnesty International on trafficking in women, prostitution, rape, child abuse, culturally practiced mutilation of women, etc.).


Every UN report tells us that throughout the world poverty is female, despite the fact that the lion’s share of measurable work performed around the world is done by women. Here too, we are in a much better position than most women. Nevertheless, it is not only on International Women’s Day that attention is drawn to the enormous differences in income earned by women (approximately 1/3) and men in Austria. How fast a woman can be reduced to poverty, merely by giving birth to a child, is well enough known. And the situation of a large number of older women is also well known. In Austria, too, poverty is female.

Care dependency, caring for family members

The care of ill or aged family members continues to be the almost exclusive domain of women with all the resulting consequences that are disadvantageous for women (see above). However, women themselves must expect to be alone in their old age or to have to rely on a seniors’ home or a nursing home (see the pertinent percentages, see also our study below).


Far more women than men suffer from depression. This is true at least for all of Europe from the northern-most point of Scandinavia to Sicily. Depression is not only an illness that is not taken seriously by many people because it is not visible or measurable, but it is an illness that easily extends to social isolation and poverty.


„Weight problems“ are without a doubt the single leading women’s health problem. Only the extremes such as anorexia and bulimia as well as extreme obesity are recognized illnesses. However, there is hardly a woman in our society who is not perpetually dissatisfied with her current weight, planning to go on a diet or in many cases has already done numerous diets. It seems there is no right weight for women any more. But that also means that practically no woman seems to be satisfied with her body.

Autoimmune disorders

These disorders, too, show gender differences with regard to their type and incidence. This tells us that research into gender differences has to also look at basic research, the cell and metabolism.


Worldwide, women have a longer life expectancy than men. While women in Austria can currently expect to live seven years longer than men, in many cases this longer life expectancy appears to be associated with a long period of infirmity and care dependency. There are many underlying factors such as illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, vision disorders, hardness of hearing, incontinence, Alzheimer’s and dementia. The goal here is to counteract all these defects and infirmities at an early time.


Medication works differently in women and men. This fact must be logical for everyone – after all, women have fluctuating hormone levels, especially in their monthly menstrual cycle. Consequently, all medications must be tested separately for women. Some have no effect, others are even dangerous. For example, aspirin was the world’s top-selling medication when it was tested only in men!

Heart disorders

In addition to the problem that heart disorders are seen as being a male thing, meaning that men and everyone around them believe men will die of a heart problem, women and everyone around them don’t give a thought to a woman’s heart risk. Moreover, many diagnostic methods are tailored for men and are much less useful for women.


Women die of cancer more often than men do, and women die of other types of cancer with the most common cause of female death from cancer being breast cancer followed by cancer of the intestine and of the lung. In men the most common cause of death from cancer is lung cancer followed by prostate cancer and cancer of the intestine.

In addition, a difference in smoking habits means that considerably more men quit smoking, while the risk for lung cancer for women is climbing steadily. Over the last twenty years it climbed by an exorbitant approx. 140% for women, while in men it increased by only approx. 26%.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (AIDS)

Here great efforts are made to educate women about how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS). Remember: AIDS was originally known as a disease that affected homosexual men. Meanwhile, the problem of the high risk of infection for women and transmissibility to their children is generally known.

Occupational Medicine

The female aspect is given, on the one hand, by dividing professions into women’s and men’s professions, which not only leads to poorer pay for the so-called women’s professions, but also to largely poorer research and evaluation of the health risk involved. The term “hard work” needs to be looked at more closely in light of the physical strain of caring for older persons, which is usually women’s work. All of the more recent studies on stress define stress as the result of doing work which you have no choice but to do, and this is true to a far larger extent for women’s work than for men’s work, contrary to the established cliché of the over-stressed manager.

Life expectancy in Tyrol has increased by more than 80% in the last 100 years.

At the beginning of the last century the average life expectancy for women in Tyrol was 43 years. At the end of the twentieth century it was already over 80 years. A similar, albeit somewhat smaller increase, was seen for men, whose life expectancy increased from approximately 40 years to 74 years throughout the twentieth century.

A further increase in nicotine consumption could possibly put the brakes on this success story. After all, female and male smokers are generally expected to have a life expectancy of about eight years less.

Life expectancy at birth in Austria

What do women die from in Austria?

What do men die from in Austria?